Customer service is the key to business success today. At our "Effective Customer Service, Satisfied Customers" event, you will learn how to make your customer service even more effective with OTRS service management software. Learn how to automate workflows, track customer requests and measure performance with OTRS!
14:30 - 15:00 Registration
15:00 - 15:05 Opening of the event, welcome of participants
15:05 - 15:50 Presentation of OTRS
- Christopher Kuhn, OTRS AG - Chief Operations Officer (COO)
OTRS: Crafting Customer Service Excellence for Over Two Decades - Sass Szilvia, OTRS Hungary Kft. - Managing Director
What are the characteristics of good customer service? - Andreas Bender, OTRS AG - Vice President Consulting
Fast-Track OTRS Setup: Pre-Built OTRS SaaS Solutions for a Quick Go-Live - Jens Bothe, OTRS AG - Vice President Information Security
ISMS: More than just a tool - The path to a living process landscape - Why ITSM is an important component of functional IT security
15:45 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 16:35 OTRS in the life of companies of different sizes
- Bálint Pápai, Porsche Hungária - Junior Data Analyst
OTRS service in the life of Porsche Hungaria - Máté Petrik, Városliget Zrt - IT Director
Internal and external customer management in the IT services of Városliget - Andor Végh, Omikron Informatikai Kft - Technical Director
OMIKRONxOTRS in the IT market: the impact of 15 years of ticket management on everyday life
16:35 - 18:00 Questions, answers
Snack and networking, informal discussion