
BASF South-East Europe

Sustainability Conference

December 3, 2024


BASF South-East Europe Sustainability Conference 2024

Enabling the green transformation of our customers

Conference in Budapest, Hungary

The BASF South-East Europe Sustainability Conference was held in Budapest!

As a chemical company, we are at the beginning of the supply chain. By reducing our carbon emissions, we enable our customers to decarbonize a large part of the raw material footprint. Our partners face numerous challenges in achieving their sustainability goals. Our aim is to be the preferred chemical company to enable our customers’ green transformation and support them in achieving their goals.

During the conference program, we heard many exciting presentations not only from BASF speakers but also from representatives of the government, industry, and business sectors. Topics included the competitiveness of the European chemical industry, the COP29 climate summit in Baku, and a panel discussion where we learned about the experiences and opinions of other industry players regarding the region's situation, competitiveness, and future prospects.

We can only achieve change together, and innovation is essential for this.

Thank you to our speakers for contributing to the success of the event!

DATE: 3rd December 2024
TIME: 09:00-14:30 CET (Event starts at 10:00 CET)
VENUE: Budapest Marriott Hotel, located at 1051 Budapest, Apáczai Csere János u. 4.  
CONTACT: BASF-Events@basf.com




Registration, breakfast & networking


Opening & welcome notes

  • Thomas Narbeshuber, Vice President BASF South-East Europe


10:10 - 11:00


  • Julia Raquet, President BASF Region Europe, Middle East, Africa

    - BASF's Sustainability Approach
  • Barbara Botos, Ambassador-at-large for Climate at the Ministry of Energy of Hungary

    - The conclusions of COP29 in Baku
  • Sylvie Lemoine, Cefic Deputy Director General & Executive Director Industrial Policy

    - The European Chemical Industry at crossroads: competativeness at the top of the policy agenda


11:00 - 11:40

Presentation of BASF sustainable solutions and methodologies

  • Andreas Lier, Managing Director BASF Romania, Bulgaria

    - Our joint path towards sustainability and growth
  • Boris Gaspar, Managing Director BASF Czech Republic

    - Product Carbon Footprints to steer towards Net Zero
  • Ivan Stana, Country Manager Slovakia

    - We Source Responsibly, Together for Sustainability



11:40 - 12:30

Panel discussion – customer voices


  • Thomas Narbeshuber, Vice President BASF South-East Europe
  • Albert Burysek, Head of Batteries, CEZ - Czech Republic
  • Jan Kuceravy, CEO Nexis Fibers - Slovakia
  • Petru Ruset, CEO Siemens Energy - Romania
  • Sigismund Peter Perényi, Head of Corporate Marketing and Government Relations AUDI Hungária Zrt. - Hungary


  • Albert Burysek, Head of Batteries, CEZ - Czech Republic
  • Jan Kuceravy, CEO Nexis Fibers - Slovakia
  • Petru Ruset, CEO Siemens Energy - Romania
  • Sigismund Peter Perényi, Head of Corporate Marketing and Government Relations AUDI Hungária Zrt. - Hungary


12:30 - 13:00

Farewell and closing words

13:00 - 14:30




The European Chemical Industry at a crossroad: Competitiveness at the top of the policy agenda
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