ANANTARA New York Palast Hotel
CEO Breakfast Briefing
ANANTARA New York Palast Hotel
Erzsébet krt. 9-11.
Ort auf der Karte zeigen
16.900 HUF + VAT / person.
21.09.2023 · 08:00
21.09.2023 · 10:00

Are the tides changing for German companies in Hungary?

Ungarn aus Investorensicht: Wichtig sind objektive Zahlen und Fakten

Um die Attraktivität Ungarns als Standort für ausländische Investoren ging es gestern beim 4. CEO Breakfast Briefing der DUIHK und des Budapest Business Journal nach einer Vielzahl von Medienberichten in der deutschen, österreichischen und ungarischen Presse. Wie aktuell das Thema ist, ließ sich auch an der großen Zahl der Veranstaltungsgäste im Anantara New York Palace Hotel ablesen. Moderator Robin Marshall, Chefredaktuer des BBJ, diskutierte mit den Podiumsteilnehmern die aktuelle Lage aus der Sicht verschiedener Branchen. Dabei ging es immer wieder um die Bedeutung von "facts & figures", um eine objektive Einschätzung zu erhalten und die Heterogenität der deutschen und internationalen Investorengemeinschaft widerzuspiegeln.

For decades, German-Hungarian economic relations have thrived, to the benefit of all parties. But a string of recent articles in German, Austrian and Hungarian media have seemed to suggest that, if not over, a sea-change is in sight.

A relatively weak Hungarian economy, high inflation, and restricted access to EU funding, with no sign of an end to that particular roadblock, are also not helping.

The German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce has identified through its research a dichotomy between sectors in Hungary: Some sectors still enjoy state support and subsidies, while others face much tougher restrictions and special taxes.

What do German companies, especially those close to Hungarian customers and market sentiment, think? Is change coming? Is it survivable? Should German or other investors consider cutting and running, or is it better to tough it out in the hope of a better tomorrow? On the other hand, are these tensions simply an overreaction amplified by a lack of understanding at the bilateral political level?

These and other areas will be discussed at our September 21 event. Join us for a moderated discussion with business representatives led by Robin Marshall, Editor-In-Chief, Budapest Business Journal, as moderator.


  • Berthold Kren, CEO, Holcim Österreich/Lafarge Cement CE Holding GmbH
  • Gabriella Heiszler, CEO, SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft.
  • Károly Radnai, CEO, Andersen Zrt.
  • Barbara Zollmann, CEO, DUIHK
  • Moderator: Robin Marshall, Editor-in-chief, Budapest Business Journal

8.00 a.m. - 8.30 a.m.: Arrival & Breakfast Buffet
8.30 a.m. - 9.30 a.m.: Panel discussion
9.30 a.m. - 10.00 a.m.: Networking


Berthold Kren

CEO, Holcim Österreich/Lafarge Cement CE Holding GmbH

Gabriella Heiszler

CEO, SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft.

Károly Radnai

CEO, Andersen Zrt.

Moderator: Robin Marschall

Editor-in-chief, Budapest Business Journal

Barbara Zollmann